Sunday, 29 April 2012

Review - The Immortal Rules By Julie Kagawa

Allison Sekemoto survives in the Fringe, the outermost circle of a vampire city. By day, she and her crew scavenge for food. By night, any one of them could be eaten.

Some days, all that drives Allie is her hatred of
them. The vampires who keep humans as blood cattle. Until the night Allie herself is attacked—and given the ultimate choice. Die… or become one of the monsters.

Faced with her own mortality, Allie becomes what she despises most. To survive, she must learn the rules of being immortal, including the most important: go long enough without human blood, and you will go mad.

Then Allie is forced to flee into the unknown, outside her city walls. There she joins a ragged band of humans who are seeking a legend—a possible cure to the disease that killed off most of humankind and created the rabids, the mindless creatures who threaten humans and vampires alike.

But it isn't easy to pass for human. Especially not around Zeke, who might see past the monster inside her. And Allie soon must decide what—and who—is worth dying for.
taken from Goodreads

I heard about this at the Mira Bloggers event I was lucky to attend in March.  I've been meaning to read the Iron Fey series for what feels like forever.  So when I heard that a whole new series was being written I was so excited - I do like to be there at the start of a series and there was no way I was going to miss this one.

The cover is brilliant.  Very understated but tells you EVERYTHING you need to know.  I love the touch of the blood dripping from the girls eye - very chilling.

On starting the book I was instantly scared - the new world depicted is horrifying.  I felt unnerved that humanity has become what it is.
 Allie is our main character and she has to fight for a very meagre existence on the streets avoiding the predators that are hunting them.  She despises vampires the most, that is until one day she has the hard decision of either dying or becoming one of them.  The thought of having to become the thing you hate the most is awful and reading Allie's transition is tough.

She does have an incredible relationship with her creator though - I felt it was like the vampire equivalent of Buffy & Giles - that's a show I adore, so worked amazingling for me.

It was incredible to read of more traditional vampires again, that are all essentially evil and cannot be reformed.  It really did read like they are something to be truly scared of - how they were originally meant to be!!

Something that gets mentioned in the books is the Vampire cities where the vampires live - these really weren't explored in the book which disappointed me greatly.  I really hope they get more coverage in the next part of the story.

I understand that Julie was very hesitant to write a vampire story, but I am so pleased she went against that and started a series after all.  This is a fantastic first part and I'm gagging to see what comes next!!!

Rating 4 Out Of 5

Published In The UK By Mira Ink

This Can Be Purchased HERE and from good book retailers

Friday, 27 April 2012

Review - Dead Rules By R.S.Russell

When Jana Webster dies in a tragic accident, she finds herself transferred to 'Dead School' in the afterlife, where students fall into distinct cliques. Risers (good kids who died innocently), Sliders (bad kids, who have one foot tied to earth) and Virgins (there are fewer than Jana would expect). Jana's boyfriend and love of her life - Michael - is still in the land of the living. Michael is Romeo to Jana's Juliet and as the story goes... even death can't keep them apart. Tired of waiting for him to kill himself over his grief of losing her, Jana decides she needs to do it for him. To kill Michael she'll need the help of a dangerous and sexy Slider - Mars Dreamcoate. But Mars has a goal of his own: he wants to save a life to atone for having taken one in a drunk-driving accident. And to complicate matters, he was trying to save Jana when she died and saw what was really going on when her 'accident' happened. Jana decides to do whatever it takes to get Michael back, and nothing - not even Mars' warm touch or the devastating secret he holds about her death - will stop her.  - taken from Goodreads

The first I actually heard of this book, was when I received it in the mail.  From looking at the cover & then reading the blurb I was definitely excited.

The cover is very dramatic.  The girls face and features are so eye catching and almost sinister looking without having anything remotely scary about it.

On starting this I have to admit I was hugely confused.  It was kind of like I was dropped into the middle of a story with no explanations - its like you are expected to already know what has passed.  So from the start I have to say I had trouble connecting to the story.

Then came my next lot of what I can only call confusion came, the characters were so blase about their current situations.  Something seriously HUGE has happened to all of them and especially the main character Jana is essentially just 'oh well nevermind' I just could not grasp this attitude.

But this all blends in eventually and you realise the story is basically a black comedy / drama.  The way some of the kids have to 'live' is very darkly comical - you almost feel guilty for giggling to yourself.

The story really got going for me towards the end, I found I was more intrigued and wanting to know the conclusion of the story.  The end kept in with the black humour theme - you definitely couldn't say it was a happy ending for all.

This was an interesting story that had mirrors to the book series Ghost Girl and to the TV show Dead Like Me - both of which I loved, so there were definitely some parts that I really did enjoy.

Rating 3 Out Of 5

This Is Published In The UK By Quercus

This Can Be Purchased HERE and from good book retailers

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Books That Make Me Go Oooooh (44) The Blessed By Tonya Hurley

Waiting On Wednesday is a brilliant book blog feature hosted by Breaking The Spine    

The Blessed By Tonya Hurley
Published In The UK By Hodder Childrens Books
Due For Release In The UK August 2012
Amazon LINK
Goodreads LINK

"Brooklyn teens Lucy, Cecelia and Agnes find themselves in the emergency room at Perpetual Help Hospital at the lowest point in their lives. Lucy, the superficial party girl; Cecelia, a drop out rock chick; and Agnes, a hopeless romantic. All rebels running from their lives and themselves, plagued by broken hearts and broken dreams. Enter Sebastian. Mysterious, compelling, seductive. He seems to bring each of them what they long for...

But in the battle for his heart, will they lose their souls?"
taken from Goodreads

So technically I actually have a copy of this, but I still feel this needs WOWing as it just sounds fantastic.  For me this is a really unique concept and I'm so excited to see how it is executed!!

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Top Ten All Time Favorite Characters In Books

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog feature hosted by the awesome people at The Broke and the Bookish   

I haven't done a top ten in a few weeks I'm sorry to say - I just didn't quite have time for it, plus my mind went blank on things to feature.  I am liking this weeks top ten though, so thought I'd jump back in......

1. Four From Divergent By Veronica Roth
As I tend to say A LOT Four is my fictional husband and so its easy to say he is one of my favourite characters.  He is the finest specimen of fictional writing

2. Magnus Bane from Mortal / Infernal Instruments Books By Cassandra Clare
The dude is a legend - he just oozes awesome

3. Fred & George Weasley from Harry Potter By J K Rowling
They are just incredible - funny, sweet, loyal - everything you could want from a character

4. Manchee from The Knife Of Never Letting Go By Patrick Ness
Manchee is a dog, but the fact you can read his thoughts make him all the more personable & down right lovable

5. Tris From Divergent By Veronica Roth
The first lady I have added - but a cracker of character, she kicks serious ass!!

6. Yelena from Study Books By Maria V Snyder
Such an amazing character that showed incredible strength, yet stayed so like able

7. Rhine from Wither / Fever By Lauren DeStefano
Another character that goes through so much, yet keeps determination to keep fighting - a true heroine

8. Karou from The Daughter Of Smoke & Bone By Laini Taylor
Such a sassy chick - I kinda want to be her, but maybe without the heartache

9. Alex from Hunting Lila By Sarah Alderson
Alex is just the best - I want to find me an Alex!!

10. Harry Potter By J K Rowling
For me he is the king of all characters - he may not make me swoon, but he is the greatest in every way possible - all hail King HARRY!

Monday, 23 April 2012

Review - Unrest By Michelle Harrison

'Seventeen-year-old Elliott hasn’t slept properly for months. Not since the accident that nearly killed him. Sometimes he half-wakes, paralysed, while shadowy figures move around him. Other times he is the one moving around, while his body lies asleep on the bed. His doctors say sleep paralysis and out of body experiences are harmless - but to Elliott they’re terrifying.

Convinced that his brush with death has attracted the spirit world, Elliott secures a job at a reputedly haunted museum, determined to discover the truth. There, he meets the enigmatic Ophelia. But, as she and Elliott grow closer, Elliott draws new attention from the dead. One night, during an out of body experience, Elliott returns to bed to find his body gone. Something is occupying it, something dead that wants to live again . . . and it wants Ophelia, too . . . '

I first heard that Michelle was going to be releasing a YA set book when I was lucky enough to meet her last year at a bookshop signing.  I'd heard everyone raving about her '13' series - which I own but am still to read (I'm so slow!) but I was still extremely excited and thought what a great way to introduce me to her work - reading in a style I'm more familiar with.  I'm thrilled to say I LOVED it!!!

The cover is absolutely genius!  Its very subtle, but so effective.  It just shows that loads doesn't have to be happening for it to still make an impact.  Bravo to the art team!!!

The book starts with a very creepy chapter that pretty much sums up what you are about to read - this is some unsettling stuff and had me instantly gripped.

As you read you are given snippets of Elliott's life, some of which is very normal then others very paranormal - for me this made the story relate able but then fantastical giving just the right balance to get you into it, and considering the possibilities of what has happened to the character.

I LOVED the place that Elliot ends up working at.  I so wish there really was this museum - I would be there A LOT!!  Past Lives gets a huge thumbs up from me.
Plus the home location of Elliott is actually fairly close to where I live - I had a major geek out over that - I could have passed Elliott in his fictional world!!!

I had times of not necessarily knowing where the story was going, but this just made reading the story even more enjoyable.  It just made me want to read it even more, meaning less time for real life stuff, whoops!!!

I must admit I did guess the twist at the end, but only JUST before it happened, so I spent plenty of time in suspense.  It was super clever and not obvious for me at all - I do love a surprise!!

For me this has to be one of the best UK set YA books I have read in a very long time.  I adore Michelle's writing style and am praying that she has more YA fiction to come in the future!!!

Rating 4 Out Of 5

 Published In The UK By Simon And Schuster

This Can Be Purchased HERE and From Good Book Retailers

Sunday, 22 April 2012

In My Mailbox (61)

In My Mailbox Is An Awesome Blog Post Idea Hosted By The Story Siren
All links will take you to Amazon

Some of you may know that we are awaiting the release of INSURGENT By Veronica Roth.  Rosi at Harper Collins, has sorted us bloggers into factions (I'm Amity) so slowly copies of the book are being sent out to faction members.  Each morning I have got up hoping that the book may have arrived, but so far not luck!!  Fingers crossed for this week - I NEED FOUR!!!
I did however got some other incredible books.....


This was sent to me from the author herself :D  It looks like a fab Contemporary read!!

I didn't expect this at all - was a lovely surprise!!  Thanks to Simon & Schuster for it!!

OMG I LOVED The first book - am so excited to read this!  Thanks To ATOM!!

These are all from Hatchette - THANK YOU!!

I've been eager to read this for ages, so am thrilled to have a copy

This sounds very unique - loving the sound of it

I have been admiring this for ages now, thrilled to have the book to read!!

Thanks to everyone for the epic books!!!


Thursday, 19 April 2012

Mira Ink Bloggers Event

In late March Mira Ink held their very first bloggers event.  To my absolute shock they invited me along, plus made room for my co-reviewer aka my Mum Sue!  This brought problems for my Dad, as he now how TWO very excitable ladies in the house - whoops!!

We'd never been to the area that the Mira offices are in, so decided to go up a little earlier and get a bit of shopping in.  Literally any excuse!!  Apart from spending money I didn't really have we also saw a celebrity doing the school run - I had to hold Sue back from seriously fangirling - anyone would think I was the Mum. 

Eventually it was time to make our way to the offices, where we were given such a wonderful warm welcome from the ladies that run the show. 
We were given these super cool name badges so we all knew who everyone was - those things are so handy!  If only they could be used day to day!!
There was a fabulous array of food and drink on the table, that made my mouth water.  We were all nervous of being the first person to tuck in though - Everyone was on their best behaviour it seems.

On every chair in the room there was either a red or black bag - inside everyone was 7 books, sweets & nail varnish - Could this event get any better??  It did, but more on that later!!

Once everyone had arrived and all the extremely excited chatter had died down (slightly) the presentation of Mira's upcoming books started.  We are in for some MAJOR treats....

NEW GIRL By PAIGE HARBISON - They call me 'New Girl'...Ever since I arrived at exclusive, prestigious Manderly Academy, that’s who I am. New girl. Unknown. But not unnoticed—because of her.  Becca Normandy—that’s the name on everyone’s lips. The girl whose picture I see everywhere. The girl I can’t compare to. I mean, her going missing is the only reason a spot opened up for me at the academy. And everyone stares at me like it’s my fault.  Except for Max Holloway—the boy whose name shouldn’t be spoken. At least, not by me. Everyone thinks of him as Becca’s boyfriend…but she’s gone, and here I am, replacing her. I wish it were that easy. Sometimes, when I think of Max, I can imagine how Becca’s life was so much better than mine could ever be.  And maybe she’s still out there, waiting to take it back.  This is a modern retelling of Rebecca - Due For Release in MAY

THE GIRL IN THE STEEL CORSET By KADY CROSS - In 1897 England, 16-year-old Finley Jayne is convinced she's a freak. No normal Victorian girl has a darker side that makes her capable of knocking out a full-grown man with one punch. Only Griffin King sees the magical darkness inside her that says she's special . . . that she's one of "them."  This one was in our bag of goodies.  Its been on my wish list for FOREVER, so super happy to have this.  Sue has already reviewed this one HERE - Due For Release In June

BEFORE I WAKE By RACHEL VINCENT - I died on a Thursday—killed by a monster intent on stealing my soul. The good news? He didn’t get it. The bad news? Turns out not even death will get you out of high school…Covering up her own murder was one thing, but faking life is much harder than Kaylee Cavanaugh expected. After weeks spent “recovering,” she’s back in school, fighting to stay visible to the human world, struggling to fit in with her friends and planning time alone with her new reaper boyfriend.  But to earn her keep in the human world, Kaylee must reclaim stolen souls, and when her first assignment brings her face-to-face with an old foe, she knows the game has changed. Her immortal status won’t keep her safe. And this time Kaylee isn’t just gambling with her own life…. I haven't read any of this series, but am told I am hugely missing out so I really must get on the bandwagon.  There is one more book to come in the series called 'WITH ALL MY SOUL' - Due For Release in July

CRAVE By MELISSA DARNELL - When Savannah Colbert returns to school after a mystery illness, the fact that she has changed is clear to everyone. None more so than every school girls golden boy Tristan Coleman. Ever since their first kiss in fourth grade, Savannah and Tristan have been cruelly and inexplicably banned from associating with each other. Now, as the pair navigate the tricky social life of high school, the truth is about to be revealed.   As Savannah learns of their paranormal ancestry and Tristan deals with the repercussions of her new powers, the relationship they have been denied for so long becomes utterly irresistible and all consuming. Like Romeo and Juliet centuries before them, Savannah and Tristan’s love is destined to fail; and Tristan’s powerful magical family, the Clann, are watching - This is out NOW

PUSHING THE LIMITS By KATIE McGARRY - No one knows what happened the night Echo Emerson went from popular girl with jock boyfriend to gossiped-about outsider with “freaky” scars on her arms. Even Echo can’t remember the whole truth of that horrible night. All she knows is that she wants everything to go back to normal. But when Noah Hutchins, the smoking hot, girl-using loner in the black leather jacket, explodes into her life with his tough attitude and surprising understanding, Echo’s world shifts in ways she could never have imagined. They should have nothing in common. And with the secrets they both keep, being together is pretty much impossible.  Yet the crazy attraction between them refuses to go away. And Echo has to ask herself just how far they can push the limits and what she’ll risk for the one guy who might teach her how to love again - This is the first in a series.  Book two will be called DARE YOU TOO.  Katie kindly took the time to film a video message for us attending the event too!! - Due For Release in August

SAVING JUNE By HANNAH HARRINGTON - When her older sister commits suicide and her divorcing parents decide to divide the ashes, Harper Scott takes her sister's urn to the one place June always wanted to go: California. On the road with her best friend, plus an intriguing guy with a mysterious connection to June, Harper discovers truths about her sister, herself and life.  - This is a debut release.  The book comes with a full track listing in the back, which would help set the mood of the book.  We also had a video message from Hannah. - Due For Release In June

SPELLBOUND By CARA LYNN SCHULTZ - Life hasn't been easy on sixteen-year-old Emma Connor, so a new start in New York may be just the change she needs. But the posh Upper East Side prep school she has to attend? Not so much. Friendly faces are few and far between, except for one that she's irresistibly drawn to Brendan Salinger, the guy with the rock-star good looks and the richest kid in school, who might just be her very own white knight.  But even when Brendan inexplicably turns cold, Emma can't stop staring. Ever since she laid eyes on him, strange things have been happening. Streetlamps go out wherever she walks, and Emma's been having the oddest dreams: visions of herself in past lives visions that warn her to stay away from Brendan. Or else. - This was described as a witchy Gossip Girl, sounds pretty cool to me! - Due For Release In September

THE IMMORTAL RULES By JULIE KAGAWA -  Allison Sekemoto survives in the Fringe, the outermost circle of a vampire city. By day, she and her crew scavenge for food. By night, any one of them could be eaten. Some days, all that drives Allie is her hatred of them. The vampires who keep humans as blood cattle. Until the night Allie herself is attacked—and given the ultimate choice. Die… or become one of the monsters. Faced with her own mortality, Allie becomes what she despises most. To survive, she must learn the rules of being immortal, including the most important: go long enough without human blood, and you will go mad. Then Allie is forced to flee into the unknown, outside her city walls. There she joins a ragged band of humans who are seeking a legend—a possible cure to the disease that killed off most of humankind and created the rabids, the mindless creatures who threaten humans and vampires alike. But it isn't easy to pass for human. Especially not around Zeke, who might see past the monster inside her. And Allie soon must decide what—and who—is worth dying for. - This I have already read and LOVED, its incredible and I can't wait for everyone to have read it too.  I'll be taking part in the UK blog tour for this coming soon - Due For Release In May

So if we weren't excited enough by all the bookish news and cakes, next up we got to have a video call (Skype) with Julie Kagawa!!!!  This could have potentially gone really bad as we all know how unreliable technology can be, but shockingly it went amazingly.  Here's my cliffs notes on our group conversation:

  • Julie had an idea for a post apocalyptic story, but was kind of encouraged to write a vampire story.  She merged the ideas together and so became the Book of Eden trilogy
  • She told us that the characters in her stories aren't based on the modern ideas of good vampires, but the more traditional idea of vampires being evil
  • Julie has no input on the covers of her books, but so far she has been thrilled with what has been devised
  • The best advice Julie would give to an unpublished author would be to keep writing - get as much practice in as you can.
  • Julie has been reading more YA books - mostly fantasy, dystopian and a little sci - fi
  • A recent read was Daughter Of Smoke And Bone
  • Julie loves to play the Sims - she is a is gaming fan
  • Julie writes in an office - she has to be solitary and finds twitter a big distraction

Julie also showed us one of her chicks - they are ADORABLE!!!  

After our conversation of EPIC we continued our mingling for quite a while.  Its lovely to be in a room of people that share the common love of books.  Its a good oportunity to geek out and basically be yourself.

Our evening then sadly came to an end, but I can honestly say it was a wonderful evening.  Seeing as the ladies at Mira had never held an event before they seriously knew how to treat us well.  THANKS TO ALL AT MIRA INK!!!

Our Mira Goodies

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Books That Make Me Go Oooooh (43) The Diviners By Libba Bray

Waiting On Wednesday is a brilliant book blog feature hosted by Breaking The Spine    

Unconfirmed Cover
The Diviners By Libba Bray
Published In The UK By ATOM
Due For Release September 2012
Amazon LINK
Goodreads LINK

It's 1920s New York City. It's flappers and Follies, jazz and gin. It's after the war but before the depression. And for certain group of bright young things it's the opportunity to party like never before. For Evie O'Neill, it's escape. She's never fit in in small town Ohio and when she causes yet another scandal, she's shipped off to stay with an uncle in the big city. But far from being exile, this is exactly what she's always wanted: the chance to show how thoroughly modern and incredibly daring she can be. But New York City isn't about just jazz babies and follies girls. It has a darker side. Young women are being murdered across the city. And these aren't crimes of passion. They're gruesome. They're planned. They bear a strange resemblance to an obscure group of tarot cards. And the New York City police can't solve them alone. Evie wasn't just escaping the stifling life of Ohio, she was running from the knowledge of what she could do. She has a secret. A mysterious power that could help catch the killer - if he doesn't catch her first.

I am a BIG fan of books set in the past.  I've already read some of Libba's work (which was also historically set) and adored it.  I can't wait to see what this story has in store for me.......

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

NEW Darren Shan Series AND Cover Reveal

Yesterday marked the launch of London Book Fair, with lots of publishers making big announcements.  The guys at Simon & Schuster, possibly made the biggest announcement in my eyes - they have signed Darren Shan to make a NEW series for them.

Not a huge amount is known yet, but what we do know is.....

ZOM-B by Darren Shan, the first book in a new 12-part series for teens. ZOM-B publishes on 27th September 2012! Books will be published every three months until 2015!!!

Personally I'm yet to read any of Darren's work, but my cousin is a HUGE fan and has been trying to convert me to his works for ages.  I think this may just be the series to win me over!!!

And how about THAT for a cover - Its seriously gory looking, I think I may just like it......

Monday, 16 April 2012

Review - Girl In The Steel Corset By Kady Cross

"She thought there was something wrong with her. She was right.  Finley Jayne has known for quite some time that she isn’t ‘normal,’ but when she beats up the son of her employer and is forced to flee, she stumbles into a world where there are bigger freaks than her. They take her in, treat her like family and demand her trust. How can Finley trust them when she can’t trust herself? And why is she drawn to the powerful Griffin as well as the dangerous Jack? She has to get herself under control before she gets into trouble she can’t get out of.

Griffin King is one of the most powerful men in Britain but he couldn’t save his best friend from almost dying. He is determined to save Finley and help her become the person he knows she can be, but there’s evil afoot in London. Machines have attacked humans under the orders of a nefarious criminal called The Machinist. He has sworn to protect his country against such a threat, but he’s never faced any foe like this. However, when he discovers The Machinist’s connection to his past, Griffin vows to end the villain once and for all — but he’ll need the help of all his friends, including the beautiful Finley Jayne – the girl in the steel corset.
taken from Goodreads

I was lucky enough to be invited to the very first Mira Bloggers event, which was so good. It was so friendly with the loveliest people, gorgeous cupcakes, and nibbles, what more could a girl ask for!!! What was even more awesome, was a red or black carrier bag on each chair! inside this marvellous bag were 7 Books, a few sweets, and a bottle of nail varnish, they know what we ladies like.

The first book that caught my eye, was a hardback copy of The Girl in the Steel Corset, by Kady Cross. It had to be my first read from the bag, I love Steampunk and the cover says it straightaway. The cover is a dark background, with various cogs and gears in the distance, and a slender girl in a gorgeous red satin dress with a steel corset stands against the background. In her hand she holds a locket, its a simple but powerful cover and it drew my eye in.

The story is of a young girl Finlay Jayne, who I came to think of as a female Jekyll and Hyde, set in 1897 in London. She doesn't know why she's like she is, but is very disturbed by the changes in her character. The book slowly unravels Finlays past, as well as going forward. We don't live far from the area's that are mentioned in the book, Commercial Street where I used to go to buy fabric for the business that I ran, The Princess Alice Pub, which is in my opinion The Ten Bells Pub, that Jack the Ripper is known for, and where I was a little while ago on a Jack the Ripper walk.

Kady Cross is in my opinion a very talented writer, she slowly uncovers the plot but not in a drawn out way, every page you become more engrossed, and at the end of each chapter you know that much more. In the book she covers Murder, Aether, Ghosts, Love triangles, Automons, history, family loyalties to name but a few. What I really enjoyed was Kady's description in each new day of the characters clothing, if only I could dress like that!!!! Also her description of London of 1897 but in a steampunk way, you could really picture it.

In my opinion the book is very well worth reading, and I would thoroughly recommend, the only thing in my case that was a negative was that I guessed who the Machinist was, but I'm one of those annoying people that have a talent for guessing the bad one, but in no way did it deter the book at all. In fact I finished the book last night, and will be purchasing the next book as soon as its available.

Many Thanks to the lovely ladies at Mira Ink for their kindness and hospitality.

Rating 4 1/2 Out of 5

Published In The UK By Mira Ink

This Can Be Purchased HERE and from good book seller

Review By SUE x

Sunday, 15 April 2012

In My Mailbox (60)

In My Mailbox Is An Awesome Blog Post Idea Hosted By The Story Siren
All links will take you to Amazon

Rather a quiet Easter for me.  I didn't get many eggs, but did get quite a few books - always better than chocolate!!


I managed to get all of these from charity shops - I do love finding gems like these at bargain prices

I've been wanting to read this for ages, since hearing the comparisons to Wither

I've not actually read my copy of Birthmarked yet, but could not leave this on the shelf

Another one I have heard wonderful things about!!


This is a fab finished edition, looks fantastic

Got to admit I did a squeal for this, I am so excited for this book

 From Scholastic

From what I have read this sounds on the same lines as The Body Finder, which I loved, so am intrigued to read it

I hadn't heard of this before, so was really excited to receive it

This sounds brilliant, can't wait to give this a read

HUGE THANKS to all the publishers that sent me books this week - I love you all!!!

How was your week?


Friday, 13 April 2012

Heart-Shaped Bruise TRAILER

Yesterday the lovely Viv over at Serendipity Reviews hosted the Reveal of the trailer for Heart-Shaped Bruise By Tanya Byrne.  I was lucky to recently read the book and was utterly enthralled by the story.  The trailer really captures the atmosphere of the book.....Enjoy!

They say I'm evil. 
The police. The newspapers. The girls from school who sigh on the six o'clock news and say they always knew there was something not quite right about me.
And everyone believes it. Including you.
But you don't know.
You don't know who I used to be. Who I could have been.
Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever shake off my mistakes or if I'll just carry them around with me forever like a bunch of red balloons
Awaiting trial at Archway Young Offenders Institution, Emily Koll is going to tell her side of the story for the first time.  Heart-Shaped Bruise is a compulsive and moving novel about infamy, identity and how far a person might go to seek revenge.

Changeling By Philippa Gregory UK TRAILER

Yesterday I got a great email from the fabulous folk at Simon & Schuster telling me about the official release of the trailer for Changeling By Philippa Gregory - the eagerly awaited first YA book the author. 

The year is 1453, and all signs point to it being the end of the world. Accused of heresy and expelled from his monastery, handsome seventeen-year-old, Luca Vero, is recruited by a mysterious stranger to record the end of times across Europe. Commanded by sealed orders, Luca is sent to map the fears of Christendom, and travel to the very frontier of good and evil. Seventeen-year-old Isolde, a Lady Abbess, is trapped in a nunnery to prevent her claiming her rich inheritance. As the nuns in her care are driven mad by strange visions, walking in their sleep, and showing bleeding wounds, Luca is sent to investigate and all the evidence points to Isolde's criminal guilt. Outside in the yard they are building a pyre to burn her for witchcraft. Forced to face the greatest fears of the medieval world - dark magic, werewolves, madness - Luca and Isolde embark on a search for truth, their own destinies, and even love as they take the unknown ways to the real historical figure who defends the boundaries of Christendom and holds the secrets of the Order of Darkness.

So I was excited before, now I am SOOOOOOO EXCITED!!  I do love a bit of history and can't wait to see how a YA version will read!!!  You can find out more about the exciting new series at

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Review - The Intern By Dillon Khan

When Jay Merchant lands an internship for the best job in music television, he is given a backstage pass to the biggest gig of his life. The velvet rope to the biggest VIP parties and hottest celebrities has been lifted and now he's got to capture it on camera. But with only six months to turn his intern dream into a real job, does he have what it takes? It's time to face the music..  taken from goodreads

I hadn't actually heard of this book until Puffin the publishers asked if I would be interested in reading a copy.  I did a bit of bookish research and instantly loved the idea of the story and so jumped at getting a copy.

The cover is very cool and funky.  Its perfect fitting for the story and the time in which the story is set.

The story is set in 2000 - this is back when I was 15 turning 16 and so brought back so many memories for me.  This really was a time that I LOVED everything music and TV, so could relate to so much of what the lead character Jay was talking about.
So Jay has left uni and is desperately trying to get a job in the media industry.  He sets his sights on working at THE BEAT.  Jay literally goes all out to secure an internship working there and so the story goes on.  I loved reading of the lengths he goes to.

The internship leads not only to hard work, but some hard play.  Having had a somewhat not so secret longing to be included in the VIP, celebrity circuits I could really enjoy these tales of fun and scandal.  Its all the sorts of stuff that you imagine happening, but can barely dream of witnessing.
I've always had a really keen interest in the media industry, but being kind of shy it would never have worked me.  Reading this, even though not gospel truths on the industry (I must remember its fiction!) has made me feel more dubious and even kind of freaked at the idea of it.  If even half of this stuff really goes on, then I know I wouldn't last long!!

All the chapters titles are song names - this is just awesome.  I recognised the majority of them, but there are definitely a few I need to look up.

I was stunned at some of the details Dillion managed to put in.  This as I mentioned brought up so many memories for me, all I can think is Dillon either has an amazing memory or impeccable researching skills??  This does lead to a slight concern for me in that for some younger readers they aren't going to have a clue what the TV shows or music being spoken about are - I really hope this doesn't limit the possible fan base for the book.  That's probably just me being harsh on readers out there though!!

The touches of having a few real life celebrities mentioned in the story, made it feel a whole lot more real than most stories I read.  It was kind of like reading a reality show - something I had never considered before, but something that works really well.
There were a few questions I was left with, but nothing majorly important!!
This is such an enjoyable fun read.  It really was impossible for me to put down at the end as I couldn't go to sleep without knowing how things were going to end.  I hope to see more from this world in the future.

Rating 3 1/2 Out Of 5

This Is Published In The UK By Puffin

This Can Be Purchased HERE and from all good book retailers

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Books That Make Me Go Oooooh (42) The Selection By Kiera Cass

Waiting On Wednesday is a brilliant book blog feature hosted by Breaking The Spine   

The Selection By Kiera Cass
Published In The UK By Harper Collins
Due For Release June 2012
Amazon LINK
Goodreads LINK

Thirty-five beautiful girls. Thirty-five beautiful rivals…

It’s the chance of a lifetime and 17-year-old America Singer should feel lucky. She has been chosen for The Selection, a reality TV lottery in which the special few compete for gorgeous Prince Maxon's love.

Swept up in a world of elaborate gowns, glittering jewels and decadent feasts, America is living a new and glamorous life. And the prince takes a special interest in her, much to the outrage of the others.

Rivalry within The Selection is fierce and not all of the girls are prepared to play by the rules. But what they don’t know is that America has a secret – one which could throw the whole competition… and change her life forever.

I've known about this for a little while, but its impending release is definitely getting me more and more eager to read it.   This does sound somewhat fairy tale like in that the girls are competing for a prince, but with the very current reality TV twist to it, making it sound a whole new twist.  I really want to see how this is done & hope it can thoroughly enthral me!!

Tuesday, 10 April 2012


The WONDERFUL people at Quercus Books have Offered TWO Copies of Dead Rules to YOU lucky readers!!

All you have to do is fill out the form below - SIMPLES!!

Dead Rules Blog Tour

Today I am THRILLED to kick of the Dead Rules tour with a fantastic post by the author himself R. S. Russell And an extract from the book!!!

PLUS Come Back later for a Giveaway of The book

She loved Michael that much, he thought.
Mars knew that love wasn’t all red paper valentines and candy hearts. Love wasn't always joy.  Love could be hot-blooded pain down to the bone.
Sometimes love was despair. And sometimes love was wrong.
Jana loved Michael enough to kill him for it. Jana loved Michael to death.


 Where did the idea for Dead Rules come from?

I created Dead Rule from a fascination with trying to understand love. I believe love is endless.  Sadly, our bodies are not. I wondered one day how young people might handle being dead and still being in love. Death is easy. Love’s the hard part.  

With this in mind I sat down and wrote Jana Webster’s story of being a victim of her own love in the afterlife. Because she needed people to talk to, I created an entire school of dead kids and, like all of life and death, there are some fun parts, too. Going out on dates when you’re dead isn’t always dreary (at least I hope it isn’t)…

Sunday, 8 April 2012

In My Mailbox (59)

In My Mailbox Is An Awesome Blog Post Idea Hosted By The Story Siren
All links will take you to Amazon
HAPPY EASTER Folks!!  Hope you haven't eaten yourself into a chocolate coma yet??  Personally I can't swear I haven't......
Wow this week feels like it has been LONG!  Nothing particularly huge has happened, it just seems long ago that I did my last IMM - I've obviously just gone a bit funny!!
I did get some fab books this week though 
Simon And Schuster sent me a lovely finished copy of this - I loved this book!!

This was sent by the fantastic people at Hot Key Books - I've started this and am loving it!!

Mira Ink sent me a fantastic finished copy of this.  Shall be reading this soon as I am pleased to say I am part of the BLOG TOUR - YAY!!!
 Along with my copy of UNREST I was sent a press release that had quote from yours truly - Literally made my LIFE!!!  

Thanks to all the publishers that sent me books this week!!

What made your week??


Friday, 6 April 2012

Review - Pandemonium By Lauren Oliver

 As This Is A Sequel Some Spoilers Are Possible

"I’m pushing aside
the memory of my nightmare,
pushing aside thoughts of Alex,
pushing aside thoughts of Hana
and my old school,
like Raven taught me to do.
The old life is dead.
But the old Lena is dead too.
I buried her.
I left her beyond a fence,
behind a wall of smoke and flame."
from goodreads

I've been extremely excited for the sequel to Delirium, since devouring it last year.  I'd never considered what a world without love would be like till reading that and it literally had me thinking about it ever since.

The UK cover is beautiful.  It is quite fitting with the location of much of the book.  However I was slightly disappointed that it was so different to the first cover.  I do like to have some sort of theme that runs through and couldn't see it with this.

On starting the book I was astonished to find where I was in the story.  Quite some time has passed and things have evolved vastly, which just made me eager to read on and find out what has happened.

You find out that the book alternates between two times, just after the last book and sometime in the future.  The shifting between the two times made me more and more curious as to how things could change so much, but like I said it makes you want to read faster to try and find out whats, what.

At times I found the descriptions of 'then' to be somewhat over descriptive.  I felt I just wanted to read about the characters and wasn't so excited to read about what was surrounding them.  This possibly is somewhat down to me being impatient and just wanting to know everything already.

I found reading about the struggles of the 'wild' very hard to comprehend.  I even started to question if the life Lena had before was THAT bad.  You realise what they are fighting for is worth it and hopefully in the same position people would fight for the same.

Pandemonium was completely different to Delirium and so not at all what I was expecting.  As I had certain expectations, I didn't find it quite as enjoyable as I thought I would.  That said I was really engrossed with the end and am extremely eager to read the finale and see how it all ends!

Rating 3 Out Of 5

Published in the UK By Hodder And Stoughton

This Can Be Purchased HERE and at all good book retailers

Title Reveal: Everneath 2 By Brodi Ashton

You may or may not know I had the pleasure of reading Everneath a couple of months ago and have pretty much raved about it since.  I still can't get over the fact that I read it in 2 sittings - I NEVER do that.  I was relieved to find out that this was just the first book in the series and so have lots more to look forward too.  Yesterday came the mega exciting news of the title for book 2 - Eeeeeee!

Brodi Ashton Announced on her blog (here) that the sequel will be called.......


I'm Loving the fact that they are keeping to the 'Ever' theme, just wondering what it means for the story though......I feel this is going to be a long wait!!!

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Books That Make Me Go Oooooh (41) WENTWORTH HALL By Abby Grahame

Waiting On Wednesday is a brilliant book blog feature hosted by Breaking The Spine   

Wentworth Hall By Abby Grahame
Published In The UK By Simon And Schuster
Due For Release In UK July 2012
Amazon LINK
Goodreads LINK

"A lush, historical novel about the secretive Darlingtons of Wentworth Hall!The prettiest people often have the ugliest secrets…     Eighteen-year-old Maggie Darlington has turned into an entirely different person. The once spirited teen is now passive and reserved. A change Lord and Lady Darlington can’t help but be grateful for.     It’s 1912, and the Darlingtons of Wentworth Hall have more than just the extensive grounds to maintain. As one of Britain’s most elite families, they need to keep up appearances that things are as they have always been…even as their carefully constructed faÇade rapidly comes undone.     Maggie has a secret. And she’s not the only one…the handsome groom Michael, the beautiful new French nanny Therese, the Darlingtons’ teenage houseguests Teddy and Jessica, and even Maggie’s younger sister Lila are all hiding something. Passion, betrayal, heartache, and whispered declarations of love take place under the Darlingtons’ massive roof. And one of these secrets has the power to ruin the Darlingtons forever.     When scandalous satires start appearing in the newspaper with details that closely mirror the lives of the Darlingtons, everyone is looking over their shoulder, worrying their scandal will be next. Because at Wentworth Hall, nothing stays secret for long"

I only recently found out about this one, but was instantly excited for it.  I am a HUGE fan of all things Downton Abbey, Upstairs Downstairs, you get my drift so getting this kind of story but for the YA market is so beyond thrilling for me.  This can not come soon enough!!!

Monday, 2 April 2012








Sunday, 1 April 2012

In My Mailbox (58)

In My Mailbox Is An Awesome Blog Post Idea Hosted By The Story Siren
All links will take you to Amazon

Sadly my friend went home to Canada *sob* BUT it does mean I have more time for my blog - YAY!!!  
   Generally been a good week, went to my very first book club meeting!!  Also got sent some incredible books, so here we go......


This is a hard back beauty that I think is another fab edition to the series


I got this from the lovely Amulet / Abrams & Chronicle - I am SO EXCITED to read this one

I got this from ATOM books.  This sounds pretty interesting, really want to give this one a go!

This Is From MacMillan.  I've not read anything by Frances before, so quite intrigued

These are from the fantastic people at MIRA Ink

Eeeeep!  This sounds incredible, and it was signed to ME :D

I've heard some great things about this series and would love to give these a read

THANK YOU so much to all the lovely publishers for sending me there books!!!

Hope you had a spiffing week?
