- I've never been to an event at Foyles before
- Becca is the coolest author & I adore her
- I get to see some awesome friends again
My adventure started by meeting my very good friend and fellow blogger Laura from SisterSpooky: BookFangirl We had plenty of bookish and geeky things to discuss, so that kept us busy until we arrived in London. We worked out we were in fact slightly later than we had planned. A very fast walk ensued, with phone calls to Becky (Laura's cousin and my good friend) who was also attending the event. Literally as we got to Foyles I started to geek out as Becca Fitzpatrick walked in the store before us. I was trying to be cool, but failing epically by loud whispering to Laura 'Look that's Becca' I honestly am trying to find my cool factor!!!
We then had a mad rush up 3 flights of stairs to the roof of Foyles, where the talks are held. Its quite a small intimate area, but absolutely perfect for these book events. There was a projector on the back wall, showing all of the Hush, Hush saga covers and a gorgeous antique style chair that was reserved for Becca.
We took to our seats, but not before getting to speak to some of our blogger friends - these events have so many perks - meeting authors, evenings out, seeing friends, buying books - Heaven!!!
After a very short wait Becca finally walked in chaperoned by two topless winged guys - not such a bad sight I can confirm, but they don't match up to the Patch in my mind!!!
Becca launched into a talk about how she thought of the books and the long process it takes - you really don't realise how long these books take to make it onto your bookshelf & all the hard work and even rejection that goes into them. I really wouldn't be cut out to be an author!!
Becca then took questions from her eager audience, that were at first reluctant to ask questions but eventually couldn't stop (I didn't ask any questions, as I am a scaredy cat that doesn't speak to large amounts of people)
After the talk we all got to go and get our books signed. I had actually met Becca the year before, so already had my copies of Hush, Hush and Crescendo signed. I just took along my gorgeous Red edition of the book.
We were fairly close to the back of the queue, which was quite a shame as most of the front of the queue got to have some yummy looking mini cup cakes. I was GUTTED to miss out on those, but meeting Becca seriously helped that pain!!
After about 3/4 of an hour it was our turn to get our things signed. Becca looked straight at me and said 'Hi Leanne' I was GOBSMACKED!! Obviously Becca has had a huge impact on my life, but I never thought she would remember me a year after meeting her for the first time. It shows how the little conversations on Twitter and facebook can build real connections with awesome people in all walks of life. Finally Becca posed for a picture with me!!
This was such an amazing event that will be treasured in my memory for years to come!! Many thanks to Becca, Foyles & the lovely people at Simon & Schuster
Awesome evening!