She discovers that the boy, Larkspur, is a member of the Hidden, an ancient group of elven people, whose secrets lie buried at Hopesay Reach. Before long, Lissy and her brother Rafe find themselves caught by a powerful magic and fighting to escape a bargain that can never be broken" taken from Goodreads

The cover is rather beautiful. The imagery going from dark to light is stunning. Somehow I totally missed the swans head when I first saw the cover and thought it was angels wings, giving me a very different expectation for the read. My lack of sight gave me a nice surprise when I finally got into it.
The book is told in parts, all of it from different perspectives. I love the fact that each person knows different things so is able to give you new and varying information, helping you to build up the story piece by piece. This is all done very gradually, so has your suspense growing steadily.
This book had a very unique aspect for me and that was that you got to read from the perspective of a mother. For me it seems incredibly rare to read a young adult book that is even partly narrated by someone that isn't a young adult. I found this so enjoyable and fresh, its made me wonder why this isn't done more often?
At times I was a little confused what with the changes of narrator and what role they were playing in the story, but with a bit of persistence things became more clear. By the time I'd finished I had sorted everything out and so the end made full sense.
That's not to say that we're not left on somewhat of a cliffhanger though. You are given some very important information on the last pages and I am desperate to find out where things will go next!!
Rating 4 Out Of 5
Published In The UK By Walker Books
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