The cover is beautiful! I love that it has an old diary look, to go with the theme of the book. I love the gold of the title and the small vines coming from the words. Wonderful choosing!!
All the early chapters start with a diary entry by Jessamine. This is a brilliant way to set the scene and get an outline of where the story is going!
The story is so well written. You can feel the isolation of Jessamine and can imagine how sad things must be for her. This is really highlighted on the arrival of a companion for her.
The use of real life locations is fantastic. I'm a big fan of going see places that are used in books, films, TV. I now have double the reason to visit Alnwick - Harry Potter & The Poison Diaries!! I may be expecting to see some magic though - hope I won't be disappointed!!
The idea of the Poison Garden is just awesome! I almost thought of it like Azkaban - I won't explain too much more as I don't want to give any of the plot away, but read it and see what I mean.
The story leads to quite a sad / tragic end, that I think would have made me incredibly depressed, had I not known there will be a sequel - Yep my favourite word SEQUEL!!! I love to see stories develop and twist and turn!
All In all, I found this such a clever wonderful idea, in a historic style. This has left me wanting more!!
Rating 3 Out Of 5
This Is Published In The UK By Harper Collins Children
This Can e Purchased HERE and in good book retailers
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